Wednesday, May 23, 2007

some ranting and a few links

Hello. In English class we are reading the book First They Killed My Father. It is an incredibly sobering book about the massacres that occurred under Pol Pot. The protagonist is a little girl and it makes the whole story all that more painful as you see the girl put through so much. What really struck me though was how this story is much like the stories you hear coming from Africa, whether it be the children soldiers in Sierra Lione (as shown in the magnificent movie blood diamonds which you can see the trailer for at the bottom of this post.) or in Darfur.
It is horrible how people are willing to send soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan to protect oil but we aren’t willing to send soldiers to places to protect the world’s most valuable non-renewable resource, Human lives. The idea that our country is so apathetic and oblivious to our fellow humans plight is really worrying to me. It also seems that no matter what course people pursue to change this doesn’t work.
For example, our democracy that is supposed to be an inspiration to the rest of the world is failing. People have demanded that the US intervene in Sudan but our government has refused to do anything. The examples of the peoples voices not being heard are many, Most people want an end to the war, Most people want universal health care, and most people believe in decriminalization of certain drugs. I think that it is time for our country to come up for the review Thomas Jefferson almost wrote into the constitution. We have the right to hold a peoples vote of no confidence and really start running our country.
On a similar note I have heard more about rising tide in Ithaca and it is very possible that it will happen. As for a student part of it I think it would be a really cool idea but I am not sure if we would be able to get enough students involved.
Yesterday I mentioned that I was looking at videos of tree sits. During my searching I found the website Insurgent Photos which has lots of artsy cool pictures of, believe it or not, protests and leftist things.
Enough with my not so informed general disgust ranting. Today was a normal day for me. I had a Loomis quiz which I used a quiz card when I didn’t really need to. I continued reverse engineering my pencil sharpener in DDP and had a lunch where I attempted to be a mediator but ended up telling someone they were retarded.
After school I went to my psychologist and talked about feelings and various things like that. He mentioned that if I ever wrote anything about how I felt when I feel crappy I should show him. I suddenly was hit by the urge to write at some point an emo poem about depression. The only problem with this is that when I am depressed I don’t feel much like writing. It makes me really admire the works of poets who spent their lives bitching about there life. Being emo can be hard I guess.
This evening I felt really weird. I think it was a strange combination of heat stroke, caffeine withdrawal and tiredness. In the end I felt disoriented and disassociate. Who needs drugs when they have a brain like mine?
Finally if you have read this far there is a high chance you read this blog earlier (Yes I am talking to you Jeremy Aaron and JT) . You then will have noticed that I have been slightly fiddling with small blog stuff. It is my plan to make my blog look a lot nicer (with help from everyone’s favorite graphic artist, JT) and maybe even get it hosted.
Everyone should be sure to check out the guest editor on YouTube because he is my friend Trevor.
As promised, The trailer for Blood Diamonds:

Goodnight and good luck!

1 comment:

John Wolohan said...

I want a label. Hmph.