Monday, May 21, 2007

So fucking tierd

Hello Internets. Today I woke up extremely tired. This was kind of the course of my day. I don’t think very much exciting happened. Infact it was a tired boring day. Surprise.
Actually to be fair when I got home my ipod was sitting there and I opened it up admiring the packaging and the like. It has a really spiffy search feature which is new.
A couple of minutes I sat down to do my math homework but I wasn’t able to because I was to tierd. Have I mentioned how tierd I am?
I need to write a page a day anyway because I know that the day I stop I wont start again. On another completely random note today while I was doing my vain searching for my blog on google I ran into this site (yes im to lazy to embed this)
It is this site run buy an old British guy and is really a great site if you want to waste vast quantities of time.
It was very exciting this morning. Jeremy mentioned he had read a page of the blog. I think that might have been my first reader and hopefully not my last. In French today I managed to get under my teachers skin. This seems to happen more and more as the year ends and I think it is because she is so stressed out.
At lunch today I was playing catch with JT and the ball flew off and hit Christa. I basically felt bad into math. This probably didn’t help any preexisting fear of sports balls.
Tomorrow I have gym. I don’t like gym because I have to change when I go there and I basically refuse to change meaning that I fail that class. The really sad part is I am still more fit than the rest of the class in my Jeans.
Because I don’t have anything better to do I will write a story about a frog.

One day a frog was going to work at the fly catching plant. But as he went he noticed that the water levels were rising. He decided to take action. But the other frogs wouldn’t listen. They said that levels always would rise and they had nothing to worry about. They kept on being happy and stuff. This one frog though knew it was wrong. So he decided to move his frog hole further from the water.
Then one day the water tripled in size and all the other frogs were washed away. Frog was outraged. He hopped up stream only to find that the forest had been cut down for development and the run off had eroded the stream.
Frog slowly watched as all the animals died. Only the flies lived. Even frog eventually died. The day of the Eco-apocalypse was there and people died to. If only people or frogs had taken action when they saw the warning signs.

Well. That was a little dramatic but I guess that is what happens when I attempt to come up with a story off the top of my head. (isn’t that a weird expression). I am going to end my post early tonight because it is going nowhere fast.
Peace –to all
Love –to everyone who gets peace
Carbon Sinks- to people who know what im talking.

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